Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Sigma College Exam Pt 2

The after effect

phewwwwww!!!! what a relief. damn sure that i wont get it all answers correct but i hv good feelin that will pass the exam....

[what's next? black belt?]

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Menuju Puncak

Menuju Puncak - Javanese version

Ora gampang,
Niti dalan ning jagat royo
Ora gampang,
Ngobah mimpi dadi arep kang pasti
Sakabeh wae biso kedaden
Yen langkahmu ra ketiwasan

Reff :
Munggah misuwur, gumilange cahyo
Ngukir roso, sebecik arepan
Munggah misuwur, impianing ati
Ngraketke janji, konco sejati
Mesti yo joyo ning Akademi Fantasi

Ora gampang,
Ngolehi lintang kang gebyar ning langit (Oh yeach...)
Ora gampang,
Dalanan iki kanggo dilewati
Sakabeh wae biso kedaden
Yen langkahmu ra ketiwasan

Back to Reff


got a good laugh. it's really funny to read or rather sing the song in jawa. luckily i still hv the skill to pronounce it properly.

[i'm a javanese...truly javanese..]

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Edlin voted out..

Edlin voted out

Edlin is the first to go. Who is next?


Saturday, June 26, 2004

New home!!!

New Home

move to new home which seems to better.

[more time for u]